Forms (Kincardine Minor Hockey Association)


OMHA Permission to Skate




These documents are in a PDF fillable format and must be downloaded to your computer, updated with the player information, signed by the parent/guardian and emailed directly to KMHA's Town Contact at
[email protected]


OWHA Permission to Skate

 OWHA Permission to Skate

If you have any questions regarding the OWHA Permission to Skate process, please contact

Jill Fraser, Vice President of Girl's Hockey @ [email protected]


Affiliate Player Form



OHF Two Deep Dressing Room Policy.pdf

OHF Confidentiality Implementation Manual.pdf

Confidentiality Statement.pdf

OHF Dressing Room Policy.pdf

OHF Dressing Room Implementation.pdf


Evaluation Sheet For Coaches  



Police Check Forms - Process managed by OHF

Important: This process applies to all Team Officials, On-ice Officials and anyone who may work with children on behalf of the OHF or KMHA. 

Starting in the 2024-2025 season, Vulnerable Sector Checks will be conducted by the OHF.    For the 2024-2025 season, every coach must submit a Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC)  AND a Screening declaration form, regardless of the last time you submitted this information to KMHA or other organizations.   You may reuse the VSC submitted to other organizations if it was completed in the 2023 or 2024.  For privacy reasons, KMHA is not able to provide you previously submitted VSC records.

To begin the process go to . 
Be sure to read the section “The OHF Vulnerable Sector Checks Process”, it contains downloadable documents that you will need.  There are also instructional videos and documents available towards the bottom of the page.

You can find full details of the screening process policy here:
OHF Vulnerable Sector Check Letter 

As this process is fully managed by the OHF questions and support requests should be directed at the OHF by using the contact information on their website.

For questions or concerns contact [email protected]


Community Involvement Hours Acknowledgement Form

Please note form must be filled out and submitted to the KMHA President for final approval and signature.
