Coaches/Team Staff Information (Kincardine Minor Hockey Association)

PrintCoaches/Team Staff Information


HCR registration for Coaches and Bench Staff:



OMHA Trainer resources


Dryland Training

Please note Dryland training MUST be pre-approved by the KMHA executive prior to taking place





Virtual CoinFlip






It is the responsibility of each coach to identify their current status by checking their e-Hockey and Locker profiles. 

Please see the setup guides for coaches to assist them in accessing these two profiles.   

In all situations, the default will be what what is being shown in the CAC Locker as most accurate. 

If there is a discrepancy please  reach out to OMHA directly to clarify and resolve


Once the review of your current status is complete please see the options below:



Coach 2 – Coach Level TRAINED


Move from Coach 2 – Coach Level TRAINED to Coach 2 – Coach Level CERTIFIED, this process includes:


-Completion of the Coach 2 – Coach Level Post-Task Workbook (found here).

-Complete the Making Ethical Decisions – Online Evaluation module through the CAC Locker. 

The following document provides direction to access the MED – Online Evaluation
Making Ethical Decisions – Online Evaluation

Submit the completed Post-Task Workbook to your local association for approval and submission to the OMHA office.

Repeat the Coach2 – Coach Level clinic.



Coach 2 – Coach Level CERTIFIED


Obtain the required 10 Professional Development points through the Hockey Canada Certification Maintenance Program.



Development 1 TRAINED


Move from Development 1 TRAINED to Development 1 CERTIFIED, this process includes:


Completion of the Development 1 Post-Task Workbook (found here).

Completion of the Making Ethical Decisions – Online Evaluation module through the CAC Locker. 

The following document provides direction to access the MED – Online Evaluation
Making Ethical Decisions – Online Evaluation

Field Evaluation – Practice

Re-Take the Development 1 clinic.



Development 1 CERTIFIED


Obtain 20 Professional Development Points


Development 1 CERTIFIED Legacy Coach

This applies to coaches who took a Development 1 clinic before July 1st, 2014 only.

Complete the Making Ethical Decisions – Online Evaluation module through the CAC Locker. 

The following document provides direction to access the MED – Online Evaluation

Making Ethical Decisions – Online Evaluation


Obtain 20 Professional Development (PD) Points.


Gender Identity & Expression Course - Mandatory Training for Bench Personnel


The Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) is pleased to announce the launch of a new training module for team officials, to support trans-inclusive hockey in Ontario, Understanding Discrimination based on Gender Identity and Gender Expression Training.

There are two modules which will educate team officials on this important topic. For team officials already assigned to a team, completion of these modules will be a required by October 1, 2017. For team officials named within a month of or after October 1, they will have 30 days to complete both modules.

The two modules take approximately 2 hours in total to complete (1 hour for each module).  There is no cost for this training.

Once the two (2) modules are completed, it shows up on your eHockey account - which is the same as the Respect in Sports course.

We will be able to monitor who has completed this course in the same manner as the Respect in Sports course.   To access the course, please go to the following site:

For more information, please go to the following document:


OMHA Player Development Handbook see the link below

OMHA Coaches Drill Book see the link below


Use the form below for Player Evaluation and Selection during tryout.


Coaches, here are some websites for hockey drills you may find helpful when planning your practices, KMHA has purchased equipment from a number of these suppliers to be used in practice sessions both in coach inspired drills and those supplied on the respective websites.
