Nov 21, 2016 | trudeaut | 713 views
Sharkfest 2016
Team's 1st tournament together
This past weekend was the first tournament for the Novice Girls House League team in Barrie/Innisfil.
The weekend started off with 14 girls; sadly missed was Reide, but we will be happy to see her Monday at practice.
The girls' first game was a great repeat of what their season has been so far. Our forwards worked hard, dug deep, and landed us with 7 goals. The second game on Friday was a challenge; however, these girls brought it!!! Our defense kept it strong, and with an outstanding goaltender, we tied the game 1-1.
That night Miss Marley had to head home due to illness. The rest of the girls headed back to the hotel and had a great time swimming, chatting, and bonding. It was great to see all 13 girls get along so well and really come together.
Saturday morning started early, with our game at 8 am. Girls and parents were a little groggy, but we all came together. In this game, the team really had to work together. There were passes, pucks bouncing up boards, and of course the Great Wall of Riley!!! The girls knew the pressure and handled it well; they ended the game with a 3-0 win and were headed to Quarter Finals that night.
Between games the team gathered together for lunch and spent some time shopping. Most grabbed naps and then we meet back at the rink for 6:15 pm for our big game.
This game was THE most intense game any of us parents and coaches have seen in a long time. Both teams were very equally matched. Kincardine started the game with a goal, a whole team effort. In the second period a hard call was made and we served our first penalty ever. Although we were upset, the girls rallied together and kept the same score. In the third period, the other team scored to tie it up. We headed into overtime!!!! These girls, who have only been playing together since October 30th, skated hard and didn't give up until the whistle had blown.
The other team scored, and the flood of emotions that hit the girls and coaching staff was hard. All girls knew together it was a team loss, but felt like they had let each other down. To see the sympathy and compassion from these girls to each other was just remarkable. Hugs were not in short supply, and they were all there for support of each other. The team received a standing ovation from parents, siblings, aunts and cousins, nanas and friends.
In the end, these girls placed top 5 in the tournament, out of 14 teams. And although we didn't make it through quarter finals, the girls are already planning for their next tournament.
The coaching staff was completely blown away this weekend, these girls, who some just started playing this year, have such drive and passion for the game and it shows every time they hit the ice. The weekend was full of positivity and teamwork. We thank you parents and girls for such a great weekend and fun time.