Dec 12, 2016 | trudeaut | 836 views
2016 Kincardine Santa Claus Parade
Giving back to the community
On December 3rd, between an away game and practice, all 15 girls got bundled up and hit the parade to bring Christmas cheer to those in the community and especially those that are less fortunate.
Girls from the Novice House League team came together, alongside their parents and siblings, to wish Christmas cheer to the community of Kincardine. Weeks before the event, players and families spread the word that they would be collecting toys and gifts for Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Kincardine during the annual Kincardine Santa Claus parade.
Some girls made it out to help decorate and plan our tropical beach theme. The girls wore lei's and grass skirts, including Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. Some girls sat on the muskoka chairs at the fire while others avoided the sun under the huge umbrellas. It was a lot of fun to see the girls once again come together outside of the rink and give back to their community.
The toys collected were amazing, lots of fun stuff that we know will truly be thanked for on Christmas morning.
Thank you so much families for all your hard work and time before, during and after the parade.
Have a wonderful Christmas, and we will see you all at the Rink ;)