Feb 06, 2017 | trudeaut | 1144 views
Back to hockey after the holidays
After an extended holiday break for family, friends and festivities, the girls were ready to go back at it on January 7th VS. Walkerton...
Our first game back after the holidays was a little bit shaky. The girls had been used to outplaying all their competition, but Walkerton brought their A-Game and really made the Kinucks dig deep and play their hearts out. In the end we would win 1-0 over the Capitals.
During the month of January the girls would play 2 games almost every week, plus their weekly practice, which would really start to show as the end of the month came near. The girls are coming together so nicely: passes, communication, positioning and overall great teamwork.
At the end of January the girls would be missing a good group of their defence for their face-off with Walkerton, and Walkerton would win their first game against us. The score was tight 1-0, and our girls really tried their best. Everyone was sweating, red faced, and even the coaches were out of breath.
On February 4th the Kinucks would host Owen Sound for the first time and planned to use their skills they have been working on throughout this game. Girls were communicating and passing like nothing us coaches have seen yet this season. We couldn't even pick just 1 hard worker, we picked 3 stars!! Honestly, the entire team really came together and played amazingly.
The girls have come a long way, and in order to be ready for Brantford coach Skittles would book an extra practice, 8AM SUNDAY!!! to work on positioning and team tactics. With lots of help from the families, and a PeeWee team's cancelled practice, we kept to the ice for 2 hours. It's amazing how much these girls love hockey and playing on the ice together. We celebrated with some Canadian hockey classic - timbits, in the dressing room afterwards and the girls will hit the ice 2 more times before we head to Brantford.
Pack your noise makers families......Brantford isn't going to know what hits them come February 17th!!!!!!