Sep 27, 2017 | Tom Desmond | 884 views
Kincardine Kinucks Atom LL2
Welcome to the 2017-2018 Kincardine Kinucks Atom LL2 Hockey season. Before we start there are a few points which need to be discussed to ensure a smooth and successful year moving forward. Please read the following information on the plan for the upcoming season. Season Expectations
Respect each other on and off the ice. Abuse of other players, coaches, referees or opposing teams by players and parents will not be tolerated regardless of player status. We are representing ourselves, our team and Kincardine Minor Hockey at all times, both on and off the ice.
Attendance at scheduled practices is mandatory barring valid reason such as weather, illness or otherwise. Players choosing not to attend practices for no reason may see limited playing time in games. Please inform the coach and manager via email/text if you cannot attend practice as this will allow for change of practice plans as required
Players must be at the arena no later than 30 minutes prior to game time. This will allow for lines to be adjusted and game plans discussed. KMHA utilizes a 2 deep approach to dressing rooms in that at least two adults are to be present in the change room at all times. Parents are to vacate the change room 15 minutes prior to game time and are not to enter the change room after the game until authorized by team staff. No player cell phones are allowed in the change room. This is an OMHA policy
Additional costs will be $225 per player and will be used to cover tournament fees as well as other team approved expenses as needed. The budget will be the responsibility of the team manager and will be available for viewing in a timely manner if requested
There are 3 tournaments tentatively booked for this season. They are listed on our team website with dates included
Hotels are booked in blocks by the team manager based on pricing/availability/location/amenities but should you wish to go elsewhere that will not be an issue. Most tournaments require the use of booking agencies to book select hotels to allow for entry so in some case options are limited
Jerseys will be the responsibility of each player to care for and wash as required. Please ensure you bring your proper jersey (home/Away) to each game. If you don’t have a jersey you cannot play in the game. Please do not wear your game jerseys to practice
There is a team set of water bottles for games however please bring you own water bottle to practice
Team communications
Most, if not all, team communications will be via email and the website. Please ensure to sync you phones and devices to the team calendar to stay ahead of any changes to the schedule.
If anyone is interested in writing articles for the webpage please let the team manager know and they will get you access for posting