The Coach 1- Intro to Coach clinic is delivered in two
steps. In Step 1, the participant registers and completes the 4-hour Hockey
University *HU- Online Coach 1/2 component BEFORE proceeding to Step 2, which
is registering for the In-person clinic.
Clinic Duration: 7 hours – 4 hours of class time, 2 hours of
ice time (ice time at end of class) plus
registration, lunch and breaks.
Clinics require a minimum
attendance of 20 and a maximum attendance of 40.
Participants must be a
minimum of 16 years of age. Age
determinations are made as of December 31 of the current year.
One cheque, payable to ‘ONTARIO
MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION’ must be provided to the Clinic Coordinator prior
to Clinic completion.
Participants must attend
entire Clinic to be accredited. Late
arrivals will be denied entry to Clinic. Participants must have completed the
Hockey University Online course
BEFORE they will be allowed
to register for this clinic.