Feb 17, 2015 | Steve | 1183 views
Koberinski Family Fundraiser - Feb 18th
On the night of February 14th, Art and Marj Koberinski escaped with their lives and the clothes on their backs when their home on Highway 9, Kincardine, burned to the ground. This was 2 days before Marj's 80th birthday. Tomorrow night, February 18th, the Kincardine Minor Hockey Association will be raising funds to support this local family. Both the Atom and the Midget Rep teams are one win away from reaching the 'All Ontario' semi-finals. Please spread the word. Attend the game and buy a 50-50 ticket. Support a local family and two exceptional hockey teams. The Kincardine Atom Kinucks face off at 7pm, in the Davison Centre, immediately followed by the Midget play off game. We hope to see you there..