Legion Peewee boys defeat Goderich to advance in OMHA playdowns, News, PeeWee Rep, 2008-2009 (Kincardine Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2008-2009 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 09, 2009 | Bamtan Rep | 1096 views
Legion Peewee boys defeat Goderich to advance in OMHA playdowns
Article submitted by Jennifer Cook
The Peewee boys started their playoff series against Goderich. It was a physical match which saw the boys come out victorious. They were able to sweep the series with 3 wins.

The first match was at home were the crowd was on hand to cheer the 2-0 victory. Goals went to Geordie Farrell (assists awarded to Payton Dunlop and Ethan Skinner) and Ethan Skinner (assisted by Riley Cook).

Game two had us travelling to Goderich where the boys turned it on with a

7-2 win. The Sailors were bent on trying to rattle us but to no avail.

Goals went to Derrek Bernath , Keegan McLelland, Dunlop (2), Jordan Bell

(2) and Farrell. Assists by Ethan Carter, Chase Ambeau, Shane Vollmer (4), Bernath, Garrett McFadden (2) and Sam Wilson.

Game three was back at home where they defeated the Goderich Sailors 5-0.

Shamus Small was in net for the shut out. Goal scorers were McLelland, Cook (2), McFadden, Bernath. Assists going to Bernath, Ambeau, Skinner (3), Farrell, Dunlop, McFadden and Bell.

That moved us on to compete against our rival team the Listowel Cyclones.

Winning the toss allowed us home ice advantage but unfortunately we were unable to capitalize loosing the opener 1-0.

Sunday was game day in Listowel. The boys came to play but could not get past the Cyclones going down 4-3 in overtime. The boys could really use some home town cheering at their next match this Saturday at 2pm. Its do or die so let’s show them our support!!
