Who is Matt from Wawa?
The Canadian Tire Atom Reps are enjoying the strong forechecking of import Matt ?/Morrison. Whispers around the rink are asking, “Who’s #8?” The response, “Matt something or another. He’s from Wawa and they call him, the Riddler!”
With some deep investigation this reporter has learned his last name is…….Harrison! His favourite tv show is Northern Exposure and he enjoys ice fishing and moose hunting. The tough “old time hockey” play of Harrison has worn off on the rest of team as the Atoms are winning the battles along the boards and in front of the net. Welcome to the Kinucks, Matt “the Riddler” Harrison.
The Atoms started a three game weekend with rivals Saugeen Shores. Kincardine won the previous game 6-5, but took 16 minutes in penalties doing so. This time was different as the Atoms took only two penalties and won the game 3-1. The goal of the game went to Bryce McFadden who skated the length of the ice and ended the game with a great shot- low stick side. Other goal scores were Brennan Long and Ryan Thede. Chris Coady recorded the only assist.
On Saturday,the Atoms trekked to Shallow Lake where Jamie Brock would seal the door recording another shut-out in a 5-0 win. Travis Anderson and Jake Colley turned the pre-game gummie bears into a goal each. McFadden, Kendon Zettle, and Jacob Bishop rounded out the scoring with assists going to Harrison, McFadden, Anderson, Brody Hewitt, and Kara Colhoun.
On Sunday, the Kinucks made it a weekend sweep beating Bruce Pen 10-1. Brock was solid in net stopping 18 shots. Goal of the game goes to Zettle who rushed by the defense and scored top cheese. Darian Kuz was back in the line up – new hair-cut and all. Kuz scored two goals and added two assists. Mary-Lou is booking team haircuts for next weekend’s tournament.
McFadden scored for the third straight game on a power-play goal with a one timer from Colley and Thede. McFadden would add another goal to go along with a couple of assists. Thede also had a 4 point game with two goals and two assists. Coady, Anderson and Bishop added the other tallies.
Emma Swift showed great patience with the puck in her own end, making strong out-let passes that led to two assists.

The Atoms are off to Port Dover next weekend for their second tournament of the year.