Apr 04, 2011 | bantam ll | 1562 views
Oldstars Season Comes to a Close...
To say that this has been a winning year for this team is an understatement. It has been a year that has seen a significant growth in learning.
The team learned how to lose gracefully, they learned to win gracefully (and that is often harder to do), some learned how to hit, others learned that sometimes hard hitting isn't always the best option, they learned that when you don't give it your best effort, parents and coaches won't be happy even if you win but if you did try your best, they will rejoice in your effort even if the game ended in a loss. Most of all, the team learned that in order to do well, you have to play like a team. When you play as a team, everyone is a winner. There were a number of highlights for me as a parent and one was when a member of the team scored his first goal. He wasn't fed the puck, he picked up the rebound and shot it in the net and the whole team whooped with joy. I can't even remember if we won that game, but i remember the team's reaction. There are the most obvious highlights and they include the Wade Simmons Memorial Tournament - we had such a fun day. The crowning glory was winning the White division championship . The series with Walkerton was intense. The firstgame was 1-1, the second was 4-1 and the third 4-0. The third game was a home game and it was so nice to see how many people came out to watch the team play. I would be remiss if I did not thank the team staff: Coaches: Mike Brough, Cam Howse and Corey Morgan, trainer John McDonald and manager, Anand Deshpande. There are also all of those parents who are quick to step up to the plate to help out with assisting the trainers and coaches, time clocks and sheets, gate collections, referee payment, web site management, host parties and make fantastic cakes and that nasty job - jersey laundry. Hats off to David and Caden Allingham for the rocking tunes!