Feb 28, 2011 | Atom LL1 | 1059 views
Co-operators defeat Wingham
The Co-operators took to home ice against Wingham Saturday.
Both teams came out strong forcing Everette to make some key saves throughout the first period. Towards the end of the period Justin seized a great opportunity to score but was unfortunately shut down by Wingham's goalie as was the fantastic rebound attempt by Spencer. The second period saw some great scrambles by Laura and Faith and another nice shot by Spencer which was unfortunately again denied. As the third period began, both teams were feeling the pressure as they remained deadlocked at 0. Then, two minutes in to the period Justin scored for the Co-operators on a beautiful high shot assisted by Spencer and Faith leaving the final score 1-0 for the Co-operators.
Way to go Co-operators on a well played game! Special congratulations go to player of the game and lunchbox recipient Justin for his awesome game.
"For when one great Scorer comes to write against your name,he marks-not that you have won or lost-but how you played the game." -Grantland Rice