3 games played and another break do to bad weather, News, Midget Girls Rep, 2013-2014 (Kincardine Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2013-2014 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 29, 2014 | Gord Kemp | 736 views
3 games played and another break do to bad weather
The Montgomery Ford Midget girls play 3 games in short period and have had another layoff do to bad weather again. On Jan 17th the team traveled to Mt Forest with a 3 players off, having a good game after all with a 5-0 win , considering having a shortage of icetime prior . The following night, we had to play a big game vs Blyth Brussells un-defeated "C" team in Kincardine . The 1st period seem be be a little slow letting Blyth take a lead early , then in the 2nd period Blyht took a futhur lead 2-0 with Kincardine battling hard a win a goal as the Bylth goalie seemed to shut us down.

The game finished a 4-1 loss with open net goal in the last minute for Blyth . With 1 night off and up to Southampton to challenge Saugeen Shores "C" team in a exhibition game , Kincardine having a extremely short bench, missing 6 players, the girls played a every 2nd shift and there was no player complaining of lack of ice time this game . Saugeen won the game 3-0 , we could not find the net that night. From this point on, the bad weather has caused games again to be shifted and obivously school xams all being bumped , Kincardine will have to  bring  their game  up as the upcoming silver stick tounament Feb 9-10th  .
Submitted by Gordo