Sep 10, 2016 | TannerG | 778 views
Peewee Rep/AE Tryouts
Hi everyone,
Welcome back to another hockey season! A lot of you I already know and most others I have seen around the arena over the years. This is my 8th year either coaching or managing with KMHA and I’m looking forward to a great season of competitive hockey. My goal by the end of the season is to have the hardest working team in our league. Of course the focus is always on learning and having fun and with hard work success will always follow. Helping me coach this year is Warren Farrell and Jakob Dunlop.
This year will be an exciting year and we are planning on going into 4-5 tournaments with one being in Niagara Falls, New York which will require a passport for everyone attending. Of course there’s also the annual Silverstick Tournament which is hosted in our home town just after Christmas.
When you arrive to the arena tomorrow morning, we will have a check-in table where your hockey player will be assigned a jersey and a dressing room. There will probably be over 50 players trying out this year for the team and KMHA is allowing us to take 11 skaters and 2 goalies. To prepare your player please arrive at least 40 minutes before the first tryout. Players will be divided into 4 different coloured sweaters which will allow the Evaluators to have a good look at every skater. These Evaluators will be giving input into whom should be on the Rep team and also the AE team.
As coach my main focus at the tryouts will be hard work and hockey sense and I will be laying out my expectations to the players at the first skate. Every player will be given 2 ice times (Sunday and Tuesday). At this point some players will be released to the AE Team/Local League teams after the second skate. Players moving forward with the Rep team tryouts will have their names listed on the Peewee homepage on the KMHA website no later than Wednesday evening. These players will then be playing in a game against Goderich on Thursday night in Kincardine. It is my goal to hopefully have the final roster chosen after this game and posted on the website no later than 24 hours after the game time. If your name is not on the website you will now be attending the AE and Local League skate times.
If your child is coming out to these tryouts strictly for the ice time and has no intention of playing on the rep or AE team, I would appreciate a quick email back indicating this so our Evaluators can focus on the other players.
I also need everyone to email me back ASAP with your childs hockey position.
This is always an exciting but stressful time of the year for everyone involved. Please remind your children that the main reason we play hockey is for fun and exercise and that whatever team they end up on they will have a rewarding year. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Greg Tanner